Friday, April 19, 2013

Twitter Life

To be a published author a writer can't just write well or creatively.  It isn't enough to be a Wilson Rawls or John Grisham. A writer must have beyond a wonderful novel.  Gone are the days of the publishing house doing all the work for you-setting up times and dates for you to be somewhere to sign books, etc. (If that time ever existed.)  Now it is all about networking-facebook, twitter, blogs.  Basically, creating a platform.

 I have received some questions about why I want more twitter followers at my age.  Good question.  If you have asked me this two years ago, I would have rolled my eyes and scoffed at the idea.  I am THIS close to finishing the first draft of my novel, The Storage Locker. Next step-find an agent and then a traditional publishing house. If you know me, I am extremely determined.  My mind is made up-this is to be MY year.

I have a lot of loyal friends and family out there, but I need "followers" beyond that as well if my foot is to get in the door. If you have twitter, please re-tweet my name.  It would help with the promotion of the platform I am trying to develop.

It is a Twitter Life out there.  Tweet me:)  Add me to your twitter....

CeCe Benningfield


  Let the re-tweeting begin.  

1 comment:

  1. c - I know you're trying to create a platform. I'd love to help. Let me know if you want some quick crib notes from the social media conference I was at.

    - susan
