Friday, September 27, 2013

County Fair

We have the county fair next week but really anyone that has kids that show animals-KNOWS it doesn't actually start on Sunday-it really starts in April (with goats) and late summer with Rabbits. Lots of prep work goes into animals.  Clipping, feeding, grooming, water and lots of daily driving.  (MONEY!) It is worth it when they go to auction.  That is how my kids are saving up for their living expenses for college and a car. So it DOES pay off WHEN/if they go to auction.

I think my kids have forgotten that I am taking chemo. Chemo wipes you out on a regular day.  And my lovely side effects don't help matters. When you add running back and forth to goats (they don't live in our back yard-ten min drive each day), helping them work them and rabbit stuff plus you add in football practice, violin lessons, middle school homework (which will be another post!) and rehearsals for choir, etc....this MOMMA IS TIRED.

Some friends say "Well, you don't have to be out there at fair, let Joe do it."  Our family doesn't work like that. Do you KNOW me?  lol  I organize everything, keep the kids on track, get them where they need to go-besides I deserve to see them accomplish things.  I put in half of the work!  Joe has a full time-very demanding job.  When he gets home, he is running with us the whole time. I am blessed to have a man who does his part with the kids.   What WILL HELP is when Sherry gets her licence to drive!!  WHOOOHOOO.

I know next week will be full throttle school/county fair.  I will probably be crying by Wed. but I am will be doing a happy dance when (please LORD!) the kids stand at the auction and people bid on those goats and rabbits.  Come out to the Waller County Fair-Tuesday/Thursday and Sat.  It is something we look forward to (and dread on some levels) every year.  It is a LOT of hard work for all of us.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


My battle trenches are deep.  Cancer dug them for me.  I try to dig out.  I try to fight the good fight but sometimes it gets dark within the trench walls.  Jesus shines a light. I can choose joy or misery will choose me.  I have to remind myself of that about 100 times a day.  Inside these trenches is hopeless, despair and fear.  It is just where Satan wants me.  Afraid.  Scared to try to have a life. Afraid to plan.

But God wants me to look up, out of my trench into the sun, even into the stars.  He wants me to focus on the Light-always, not my circumstances. I say these words and I know I fall short of following them. He doesn't care-He still commands me to find joy.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Glass House

My boys will be fourth generation Aggies if they decide to go to Texas A&M.  In our house there is a lot of talk about our very young quarterback. I have looked at the media, the fans, and even the people that want him to fail.  After watching the chaos on ESPN and social media, I have come to one conclusion.  

If you are looking at a man (or woman) to be a role model, you will be disappointed at some point. Sure, we need an example, but a human is not it.  Men are fallible.  They fall. They stumble. They make mistakes and, nowadays, in front of the whole world if you have a camera turned on them.  Many people crave the attention. Some people dodge it. Some should. 

Don’t look at any athlete or Hollywood icon to give your children examples to follow.  The Bible points to ONE.  Jesus.  He is the only example that will never fail or disappoint. If your focus is on him, your life morphs into purpose, grace and honor. Place your focus elsewhere and you will be broken with the world’s lies, deceit, and disillusion.  

Romans 3:23-for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  This means a quarterback, a starlet, teachers, parents, police officers, a President.  This means me. I try not to throw stones because I have one BIG glass house, if you get my drift.