Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Truth

Spring 2014

Dear Family and Friends,

I’ve been putting off writing this letter for years.  First, it was fear of rejection or gossip and then it was the old “I don’t have time.” mantra.  Now time is an issue.  While I have time, there are things I want you to know, since you are the people I care most about.  Cancer gives you a mortality check daily. Unless there is an absolute cure or God completely takes this from me, my trip to Heaven will be sooner than I had planned.  That is ok.  I am ready for whatever God brings to me.  John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

You might wonder, “CeCe, why are you writing this?  You have cancer, how could you possible believe in a good God?”  Well, I don’t have all the answers about WHY I have cancer but I do know this world-with its brokenness, tragedies and illnesses are not what God designed.  He made our world perfect.  No illnesses, no accidents, and no heart ache.  But Adam and Eve broke that relationship.  Therefore, our perfect world was changed when they were cast out of Eden. 

Even with my salvation, I still have to stand before God and answer when He asks me “Why didn’t you speak My Name?”  My worst fear is for Him to point to all these people I could have witnessed to and didn’t because I was a coward. So this is me, making a sweeping attempt at rectifying that.  I don’t want to get to heaven and look around and miss you standing there because no one was bold enough to tell you the truth.  

Here it is…the truth. Society and culture will tell you this is wrong. It isn’t politically correct.  But Jesus is the ONE and only true God and the ONLY path to Heaven.  Period.  No New Age stuff, no Buddha, no Allah, etc.  Just Jesus. 

His love is free. You can’t “earn it” or buy it or just be a “good person”. He offers it to anyone. No matter what you have done, said, accomplished, saved, or stored up in life, He offers it to you.  Drugs, alcohol, abuse, divorce, depression, illness, tragedy….there is nothing he can not forgive and there isn’t a greater love in the world than Jesus.  Once you make that decision-you are sealed.  Nothing you do will unseal the Holy Spirit from your heart. You are His beloved.  And it is the winning team. Love always conquers. Love never fails.  We do though.  We fail, fall and fill ourselves with things of this world that won’t help us in the long run. 

Being a good person is not enough. I know a lot of people that are almost saints in my eyes. But they haven’t given their heart to the Lord. Sadly, I know many evil people, and they haven’t given their heart to the Lord either. The end result will be the same-when those people die on this earth, they will not be in Heaven.  It is not enough to know God exists either-James 2:19 … Even the demons believe—and shudder.
So how do you get this Jesus I am talking about? It is simple. It is painless. If you are ready….You ask Jesus (no fancy words needed) that He accept you, the sinner, and forgive you of your sins.  We all sin.  Big sins, little sins…doesn’t matter.  When I asked the Lord to forgive mine I tried to list them.  (The ones I knew about) They were about a mile long. You ask Him to be YOUR Savior.  That is it.  You are promised the same promise I have.  Heaven and a God that fights for you. 
Romans 3:23 all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;
Be warned.  When you accept Jesus, you have gained a Savior and gained an enemy. Satan is a very real enemy.  He will tell you over and over that your salvation is not enough, don’t bother telling anyone about Jesus, you will never be good enough to get into heaven….etc. He is the prince of liars. 
 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But just the name of Jesus can send Satan running. Like I said, Jesus is the winning team.
Writing this puts me in a vulnerable place.  If you are already saved, then I love you and I am so glad you have the Good News about Him. 
If you are not saved yet, you might really resent this letter.  You might even want to tell me so.  That is ok.  I can take the heat. I’m no longer scared to stand for the name of Jesus.
 If this letter offends you, I am sorry it does. Ask yourself why it really offends?  Truth usually has a way of doing that. I can’t argue you to the Cross. But again, I would rather say these words now than look around in heaven and realize you are not going to be there with me, one day. 
Part of loving Jesus is stepping out on faith and going to people to tell them that no one is left out of this promise if they want the Savior.  
In a few months it will be Easter. Easter is a time to realize it isn't about Egg hunts (which I still love to do for the kids), candy and pretty pastel dresses. It is about Jesus crucified on a cross for your sins and mine.  He rose after being sealed in a tomb. The tomb was open.  Jesus lives.  One day He will come again.  In the meantime, His salvation is yours for the taking. I love you enough to tell you about Him. Earth was never meant to be all there was for us-it is temporary.  Heaven is our home.

In Christ,
