Monday, July 14, 2014

How He Loves

I don't know whether animals go to heaven or not.  Ike asked.  I told him I didn't know.  However, I did point out that God created animals first (before man) and must love them very much.  He lovingly put every stripe on a zebra, pattern on butterfly wings and thought of every color and shape when he created them.  I listed examples.  Ike just blinked back tears.  I also told him I wasn't sure what the Bible said about animals and heaven but I am sure of one thing-He loves his creations.

Today was a rough day.  A beautiful black lab, Rocket, (our neighbor's dog) has been ill.  He chased "duck dummies".  Rocket placed them at a child's feet or let Ike take it out of his mouth easily.  He was a lumbering giant, but so gentle. My son, who has a hard time making connections with people (although he is growing in this area!), fell in love with Rocket.  We have a pet sitting business so over time our friends used our services.  I made sure those "jobs" went to Ike.  He would do the basic duties but played with Rocket for long periods of time too.  Rocket died on Saturday. I just found out today and told Ike, who crumbled before I even finished the sentence.

His reaction kind of surprised me.  For years, my husband and I worried that he felt too little emotion about people or animals.  But Rocket changed him.  (We have 2 dogs-he doesn't really pay much attention to them.) Ike showed love and compassion for this animal.

People make some unfair judgments about Ike.  It may come from stories that I share about him. It might color perceptions about my child. There have been some very hurtful comments through the years about him or his behavior.  Some true and some just spiteful words against a child they don't have a relationship with and don't know at all. I wish they knew the part about him loving Rocket. He also shows the same adoration to the three year old owner of the dog.  Another growing blessing:)

God bless Ike with love for animals.  Let his love for Science and nature grow.  I care less about how well he adds and subtracts and more about how he loves Jesus and all of his creations.  From the least to the greatest-let him love with no limits.

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