Friday, March 2, 2012

Conference Update

What have I discovered about my writing at the conference this weekend?
1) I have a lot of editing to do with my novel but it is shaping up quite nicely
2) This only solidifies my decision that being a novelist is what I want to be when I grow up:)
3) I have a very small attention span...actually that of a gnat!
4) I have grown as a writer since I wrote Return to Grace. After I finish Slow Bleed, I want to go back and revise it and try it again!

Here is a paragraph from my novel-let me know what you think about the imagery. (Picture it paints with words) It is a scene between Jett (protagonist) and the villian who is holding her captive.

“How is your dear pet, anyway? Your dog? I take it, she is still limping around?”

Jett glared at him. Drinking her water slowly and thinking before she answered, she said, “Lexy is fine. I hope she rips your throat out when she gets here.”

No reaction. This puzzled Jett.

“I have my own pet.”

“Really?” She finished her water. “A cuddly Cottonmouth? Or a Scorpion? Do you play with it at night?” She feared the answer and resisted the impulse to look under the table for something that might slither along.

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