Saturday, May 25, 2013


I read my post from a year ago (almost to the day) of when I found out that I had breast cancer, and almost started laughing.  Wow-I was worried about that?  Compared to now, it is peanuts.  

Initially, (Last year) my diagnosis was Invansive Ductual Carcincoma Stage 2/triple negative.  After chemo and surgery, they pronounced me "cancer free"/clear margins.  I never really believed it.  I just didn't believe I was "done with it".  But I was thankful for the 3 months of cancer free/radiation free time.  

I went in for a routine catscan (of which I requested) 2 weeks ago and got that dreaded phone call back from Dr. Fleener.  She set me up with a Petscan, which resulted in a meeting with a surgeon to discuss a lung biopsy.  The scans showed lung nodules (several)-all small.  But present.  Lung biopsy was last Friday and it came back cancer.  Pathology was sent off-it came back Stage 4 Metastatic Carcinoma of the Breast/Triple Negative.  

After a heartbreaking conversation with Dr. Fleener we have a plan.  First drug treatment will start soon-3-4 pills 2x a day-XelodaI will do 2 weeks on, 1 week off and then scan at end of 9 weeks. If I respond, I will just continue this and pray for remission.  If not, I will pursue clinical trial meds in conjunction with a stable med.-probably through MD Anderson.  

No more radiation, surgeries-just chemo for the rest of my life.  It is "treatable". Remission is rare.  And if I go into remission it may be short lived.  

The kids have been told.  I would appreciate everyone to respect their privacy.  Nothing on Facebook unless it is privately to me.  If it is general, then it is fine but I am not going to answer questions on facebook walls.  

I will probably update this blog more than I will facebook.  Just because people that are truly interested will seek this out and others that are just on facebook for fun don't have to read it. Trying to be considerate of other's feelings. 

Please pray for complete remission/and or that I respond favorably to Xeloda.  I am still recovering from the lung surgery which was NOT fun.  Pray mostly for my husband and kids-who don't deserve this and don't have any say in this. 


  1. My heart breaks for you and your family, CeCe. I think of the Philip James Bailey quote: "Night brings out the stars..." and pray God will fill your night sky with stars. Be healed in the priceless name of Jesus. Linda D

  2. Just now catching up with your blog after being on vacation for a couple weeks in May. Dear God in Heaven, have mercy and send a miracle NOW!!! I am bombarding the throne room of heaven with my bold prayers for an immediate and miraculous, stun-and-amaze-the-doctors-and-everyone-else with a complete remission request.
