Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ten things I am thankful for....

I am thankful for....
1) feet that are still walking or getting around
2) kids that swing into action when I am sick
3) husband that feeds me ice chips
4) Ambian
5) oncologist that always thinks of what is best for me-not exactly what I want to hear sometimes
6) praying friends
7) My friend traveling through D.C  who sends me emails checking in at random
8) old faithfuls...the friends who have not forgotten I am still in the trenches fighting, who keep reminding me they are praying, thinking of me, etc
9) rain, sweet rain
10) thunder
11) a Mother's Day card in PERFECT Ikester handwriting made all by himself at school.  Goes straight in my treasure box.
12) kids that love me
13) financial steady times (for now)
14) college boy moving back to this area
15) end of school coming up-end of crushing schedules
16) strength to let Joe go for 3 months for training.  
17) a bed and breakfast trip coming up
18) my Jesus being patient with me as I stamp my feet and say "THIS IS NOT FAIR!" 
19) Jesus holding me as I cry, "I am so done with this.  Let me out of this deal, please."  
20) Jesus that gives me rest and assurance that I am His.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tag Line Contest

I have very vocal and creative friends SO here is a challenge just for you.  (I am kind of scared to see what you come up with)  I am going to be a columnist for a new digital magazine coming out this summer but I need a "tag line".  2-4 word catchy line that sums up me or my personality. Trying to use alliteration but not sound cheesy. 

Some suggestions have been Boots and Bluebonnets, Gritty Girl, etc.  

I need suggestions because it will be on everything-column tag line, novels that I plan to publish, a website, title of my blogs, etc.  Whoever comes up with the best one I will either use your name in my next novel or put your name in my acknowledgment page when I get published.  Your choice.  

(Rules-nothing with cancer-I am more than that.)

Let the games and fun begin:) Contest on……GO!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Friendships change, shift, disappear, thrive, morph and reappear. Like most girls, I grew up with friends that I thought I would have forever.  Growing up, marrying and having kids changes your relationships with your friends.  That is natural.  Friends of your teens or early adult years mature at different rates and it is not reasonable to expect to keep EVERY friend you have ever made.

Your true friends show themselves when you are in the trenches.

I was not prepared for was the utter loss of certain friends when I was diagnosed the first time with cancer.  People I thought were my "2 a.m friends" (this is a term used for people you can call at 2 a.m with emergencies-it should be a short list) vanished.  Friends that I considered "good friends",(maybe I wouldn't call them at 2 a.m but they would be there for me in a good times and bad) dropped off the radar really quick.  I mean gone.....never to call or see you again.

For a year or more, I was bitter about this.  Saddened deeply.  Grieved.  It still bothers me, especially if I see those select people.  But I let go of it last month.  At a Beth Moore Bible Study the group was asked to write down something that had scarred or marked them on a notecard (without your name of course) and lay it on the altar.  Symbolically-you are laying it at God's feet and letting go of it. Normally, this type of activity would have made me very uncomfortable.  I don't like touchy-feely kind of moments in public.  But a weight was on my heart that I could not deal with anymore.

You would think with the severity of this illness I would have something else to write on that card, but abandonment was the main word.  Not cancer, not chemo, not surgeries, not even the fear of dying.  It was being forgotten by a handful of people I trusted and loved that marked me the deepest.

In spite of that loss, God filled my life with new friends or stronger ones. Out of the darkest hours, a writing mentor, my Bible study group, church family, high school friends, neighbors down my street and an adoptive online Facebook group became pillars of strength for me.  God supplied them.  Hand picked. They filled in the gaps made by others.  I am so thankful.

Trials always teach humans something.  It teaches us to love or how to be indifferent...be resilient or weak....to be a friend or not. Trials have taught me to be a bit more careful with friends. Value the ones that God supplies.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Panic Attack

I decided to boycott Relay For Life. I also had a cold. So I really didn't feel well, physically.  Relay for Life is supposed to be this really beautiful thing.  But it brings back too many bad memories.  I don't like it.  My kids had to go for school reasons.  Then I realized it was affecting my middle son.  Badly.  So we both boycotted it .  The more I heard about Relay for Life or saw it on Facebook or thought about people being there, the worse it got for me.  It is not rational. I know this event has nothing to do with my cancer but it is linked mentally to me.  I want no part of it.

I moved into a horrible panic attack.  I guess that is what you call it.  It started in the shower where I wailed and beat my fists into the tile.  I was tired of being sick, tired of meds, and tired of not being "normal".  The episode grew into a full blown panic attack. I couldn't breathe, cried uncontrollably, hot face, clawed at my neck of my shirt.....I lost it.  Joe had to literally hold me and pray over me.  I felt the Holy Spirit calming me.  I calmed down somewhat but man, that was the worst I have been in over a year.  I took sleep meds and Adavan and it still didn't calm me down much.  Of course, I had fever too so this was probably adding to the feeling like crap part.

This week means many things to me and now to my kids.  Around Mother's Day/Relay for Life, the past 2 years on May 17, I have been diagnosed with cancer Stage 2 and then Stage 4.  So I guess I am getting more and more aware of what day is coming.  So is the middle son.  Relay for Life just kind of kicks off the week of terror for me.

Today I ran into Mary B. and she gave me two scriptures.  I can't remember them now.  Everything is kind of a blur.  Plus, I am still dealing with this cold/low grade fever.  I attempted to go to baseball today-I didn't last through 2 innings and left.

Right now if I could punch something with my red, burned hands, I would take it out on a punching bag.  If I could run to a beach house-I would disappear for about a week....let's say after May 17.
I am thankful for the pool and sunshine today-although I didn't feel good, I stuck my feet in the cold water and prayed.  (Felt good on my poor feet too).