Thursday, July 19, 2012

Something to ponder

Beauty fades……so does all the wild nights with your girlfriends and chasing things that don’t matter. All the money you spend of fake eye lashes, fake body parts, blingy jeans, it looks good right now (I love it too) but really, when you are faced with a serious phone call from that particular doctor, it is pretty much a waste.   It is like flushing time or money down the toilet.
 I am not saying don’t enjoy it.  I am saying put it in perspective.  Weigh it.  Examine where you put your time and your money and your energy. 
Is it is your appearance?  Because that can be taken away in an instant or at least two chemo treatments.  Is it in your stock market or your bank account?  Money is like shifting sand.  You can’t stand on it for very long. 
Is it in your children?  Well, this sounds harsh-spend time with them and cherish them but they grow up and move away.  Don’t make them something you worship.  You better find something that is a little more substantial.  You even have to put your husband and children in perspective. 
If your eyes are not on God….He will make a way to get your attention.  He doesn’t have to beg for my attention anymore.  He has it. 

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