Friday, June 15, 2012

# 2 Chemo

# 2 Chemo is Monday. We have had pretty good responses from the kids about my fatigue which has been minimum I think in comparison to some people's I had heard about. Isaiah's behavior is out of whack right now, which makes me wonder if he is sick or we need to change something.  Hmmmm....

I feel bad for Joe though-I think he believes all I do is sleep in this one position in my bed. Our leather couches, although beautiful are not comfy at all.  He just happens to come home at the same time every day and my worst time is between 4-6.  I am exhausted but can't sleep so I lie down.  Yesterday he made some offhanded comment and I almost burst into tears.  It wasn't his fault that is just how he sees me.  But  it has only been 2 weeks and he is always saying stuff.  What happens when it is week 10 or 18?  I am up washing dishes, clothes, dealing with kids 3/4 of the day because it is summer and guess what they are ALL HOME!!!!!!  So by the time he gets home from work-I am wiped.  I just stomped upstairs and told  him I would get back to work and fold 3 loads of laundry.  Childish, I know, but I was tired of feeling like I had to justify being fatigued.  I am! I also have a string of other delightful side effects that I hate but you know-I am dealing with it.  My stomach feels like I have been run over by a truck but I'm dealing. 

On the whole I think I am doing much better- I put makeup on, I run errands, I keep up with most of the housework, I try to keep up with the kids, and (even though I am venting in this blog) my attitude has improved this week.  Areas I am still not doing well in-sleep (can't sleep without taking something), talking about cancer, and my stomach/fatigue. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am continuing to pray daily. Know that you are loved and cherished, even when you don't feel it.

  3. Thanks Joe! I actually took a nap and SLEPT. So obviously someone's prayers are being heard. God knows I needed some real sleep!
