Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Taking some time off...

I am taking some time off facebook.  I feel like my anxiety is rooted there.  So my experiment is to stay off for 2 days and see if I feel better. I am also screening my calls and emails too. 

Tanner is preparing to go to his senior trip to a beach house in San Diego.  Do you know how much I want to stick my toes in a sand pit and read a book right now?  I may get desperate and go to Galveston.  Alone.  We talked about Texas Tech.  It is becoming more real to me and to him. 

Cass is headed off to camp today.  Not ready for that.  She is my sweet, naive, darling girl.  Just want to keep her like that.  She is still fighting what the doctor called pre-pneumonia.  One lung is kind of crackly.  But they doubled up her antibiotics and she is determined to go to camp.  No fever for a week.

Ethan is prowling about the house bored already.  He needs a job.

Ike's behavior until this week had been angelic.  All of a sudden he has twisted off. If I was a betting gal I would bet he is sick.  His Kinder teacher can usually spot it better than I but he usually acts weird before we figure out that he is sick. Go figure. 

Joe and I sat on our porch for about an hour last night in the driving rain (well, we were dry:) and just talked about stupid stuff.  Did wonders for my mood and attitude. Best I have felt since May 17.  Bring on the rain!


  1. And what's better, with the rain, Joe didn't have to turn on the sprinklers. Hugs to you my dear friend.

  2. You were in my dream last night. You were a guest speaker for an adoption agency/pregnancy center here in College Station. You were saving the children. :)

  3. I would love to be a speaker. Ha ha. Talking about adoption is one of my favorite things. lol. Lynda, you are funny. I keep having a dream over and over this week that I owe someone $15,000 (same number each time but different situations). Most of the dreams consist of some whacky scheme to come up with the money. Joe said it is making him nervous that it is the same amount every time.

    1. You've just been on my mind a lot, so my sub conscience put you right in your element. :) Hey, maybe your dreams are backwards and someone is going to soon be paying you $15,000!!! I'll keep my fingers :)

    2. BTW...Im in CS, so if you need anything please ask. I know in these situations you are just supposed to do and not wait to be asked...because asking is difficult and one more thing to think about. But I'm just not sure what you might need on days you are here. So ask if you can and I'll be happy to help.

  4. I was awakened at 2 a.m. by what I thought was roofers pounding more shingles into my roof over my bed. Turned out to be just an audditory hallucination, so--unable to go back to sleep--gave the devil a headache and prayed for you and others until I finally dozed off again. XOXO - Karen Caton

  5. Thank you Karen and Lynda. Tell the dreams of owing $15,000 to go me a heart attack. haha
