Saturday, June 9, 2012


It wasn’t exactly a secret.  We were waiting on some timing issues.  First, we were waiting on some legal ends to be tied up, then on Tanner’s graduation to pass and then my world was totally rocked with the news that I had cancer, so our joyous announcement was delayed from shouting from the rooftops!   Most of you have noticed a young lady in all of our Facebook pictures.  She is 13, blonde, beautiful, intelligent, talented and so thoughtful.  Her name is Sherry.  The big news is we adopting Sherry and we could not be more blessed or pleased.  We haven’t gotten to tell everyone we wanted to before it has gotten leaked here and there so I thought I better make it official here. 
Time table is still up for grabs with courts and what-not, but over the summer by the school year she will move in completely.  After that it could take 6-9 months to make it final.  If it happened yesterday, it would not be soon enough for us.  Joe and I are over the moon at having another daughter fill our hearts. 
Some of you may be concerned that we are taking on a lot with me going through chemo treatments but this is a quote from my wise husband.  “God knew you had cancer before we ever started adoption proceedings with Sherry.”  God knew.  He knew I had cancer and He still made it all fall into place against great odds.  So we are trusting Him.  We love her and that is that. 
Since my children share this announcement, if there are any concerns, please address them privately.  Any positive comments are appreciated.  We just wanted to make sure all our bases were covered for all involved before we said anything.   I can say with complete love and assurance that Sherry belongs with us and we are lucky to have her. 


  1. Yaaaaaah .! Another girl cousin(: .! Tell her I said welcome to the family ... Andd when are we going shopping .?! Lol

  2. I know!!! You two might be trouble together in a store though! ha ha

  3. TROUBLE with a capital KELSEY!!!!lol

  4. Hahaa ooooh andd when are getting me frm Bryan Lol . You know since nanny and papa are going to be gone almost the whole summer I dnt have a escape plan frm my casa .!

  5. I know! When did we give them permission to escape for the summer!! Really? I think I am going to ask your momma about my third chemo treatment which should be like July 2 and the week after that.

  6. Ikr darn 5th wheel .! Andd sounds good .!

  7. We are over the moon excited for y'all. Aaron and I were just talking about how amazing it would be if you were able to adopt Sherry and God was planning it out all along.

    So glad God knows the big picture and we just follow His lead. :)

