Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day One-Cancer

Sunday a week ago, I found a lump in one side, while changing clothes.  To make a long story short-by the end of the week, I had a mammogram, sonogram, ultrasound and an appointment with a surgeon within 4 days.  The surgeon did a core biopsy.  Actually 5 of them and sent them off.  The tumor is about 3 cm. in size.  He said it was “worrisome”.  I knew he was worried.  Yesterday, Monday, Joe and I met with the surgeon, Dr. Oswalt who had partial pathology results back.  The one thing we know is that it is cancer.  For sure.  Pathology is sending the biopsy off somewhere else to get more testing to see exactly what kind of cancer, what grade, type, stage and what treatment is necessary.  If it is exclusively breast cancer, my options are surgery (two different kinds/options) on next Tuesday.  If it is not contained…..we have a whole other course of treatment to follow.  I will probably do the surgery there in College Station because I trust my surgeon and then do treatments here in Cypress or MD Anderson. 
Emotionally, I am a wreck.  I feel like I have been given a death sentence.  No matter what people tell me I feel like that.  Either in the realistic way or the figurative way…it feels like that.  My youth and beauty (what I have left at age 43) will be gone-stolen or my very life by something spreading through me.  So it is a hard for me to pray right now.  It is hard for me to be thankful or to quote scriptures or any of that.  Although I know God loves me and has a plan…still hard for me to hear it when I am walking through the fire.  Frankly, I am a little pissed off.  On the other hand, Joe had to tell our kids.  I watched each one of them handle it differently.  The oldest kind doesn’t display emotion. My daughter was instantly the little mother hen.  My middle one was all over the place-wanting to know if I was going to die, will I be different, will I be able to be normal….all things I can’t answer yet.  The youngest doesn’t know anything is going on and brings me airplanes and asks how to bomb stuff-normal stuff.   I stayed up until about 11 trying to reassure my middle kid that I was not going to die.  I was calm, eerily so.  Totally not what I have been all day yesterday. 
If you are around the kids-please treat them normally-don’t bring me or my health up unless they do.  I want them to have school and sports as a normal zone.  My middle one could not face school today. 
I find out Thursday or Friday the rest of the results.  I am praying for stage 0 or 1 but as large as the tumor is I know that is unlikely.  I am praying that is contained.  Funny, just this weekend I was praying that it was NOT breast cancer and not I am praying that is JUST breast cancer. 
(I am not trying to be hateful with this next part but here it goes….)There are people out there that will criticize me for saying what I feel online or in writing….I don’t care.  You know I don’t censor writing. I am a transparent person by nature. If you would like to trade places-by all means take my place and then you can be noble and try being silent.  Cancer is NOT silent.    I will come out swinging as soon as we know what we are dealing with exactly but for now I am in no man’s land….so lost.    I am worried about leaving my 4 kids without a mother.  I am worried about Joe.  I am worried about being less of myself after treatment.  I am worried about affording all the treatment and I am worrying about the enemy winning.   I am fighting the urge to drive to the nearest beach and plant myself in the sand for a few weeks.  Maybe sleep for a month but cancer will still be there when I wake up. 


  1. Life shouldn't have these battles.

    Love you, Cece, and praying alongside you.

    You. Will. Win.

  2. Thank you Lisa. I will feel a bit better when I know what I can swing at. Right now the no man's land part is really getting me....

  3. I know how it feels to be so blind sided by life that you don't know what to pray or even feel like praying. I also know what it feels like to have the prayers of friends standing in the gap and praying for me along with the Holy Spirit who prays for us when we don't know what to pray. Standing in the gap for you today praying through the tears for you and your sweet family.

  4. Cece, My prayers are with you. You will be victorious. Keep feeling and keep writing. Don't listen to the voices that na say. Writing is part of your healing. Write freely. God has a plan and a purpuse. You are a great woman of God and your prayers will be heard. Kelly Anderson-Pickens

  5. Oh CeCe, I am so extremely sad! It just breaks my heart. I can't imagine what you and the family are going through. We will definitely pray for you all continually. I know we just met but if there is anything we can do for you and your precious family, please let us know.


  6. CeCe, we have been a part of each others lives in many ways for many years now. I love and am proud to know the woman you have become and will continue to be. It figures you would be more worried and concerned about Joe and the kids, that's just you being you lol. You coming out swinging is an understatement girl lol. You will get through this sweetheart. Your family is strong and you need to let them shoulder some of the stress of daily life so you can focus on you. Joe is a good man and Kelly is an awesome sister, let them help you because I know they will. Allow other family and friends to assist were needed. CeCe you have a lot of love and support all around you, use it. You all will be kept in our thoughts and prayers. Love you girl!

  7. So sorry for your diagnosis. I know planning will help you use up some of your worry - and isn't necessarily a bad thing to get done. Hoping you learn something buttressing in the next call from your doctor's office.

  8. I don't know what to type. Just simply wanted to let you know that I am in this battle with you.

  9. Cece-

    I immediately opened up to Romans 8:28....the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do to know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

    Thankful that the Holy Spirit steps in for us....praying for you BIG at the Collins House.

  10. Mason my grandson, was born2/2/12, two months early. The next night we were again at the hosiptal. The nursey was closed, but I decided Arlene and I could get on our knees and peek through the blinds. We saw all of the nurses around his crib. Their body language spoke volumes. My wife couldn't watch. I watched until I saw his arm move. Then we left. We didn't say anything until about ten minutes later. Arlene said, "We aren't doing that again." I said, "No way."
    In the crazy way things happen, we were the last of the family to know they had sent him to Texas Children. He was born in Beaumont. They couldn't fly him because of the weather. He was there two months. He had a hole in one lung. Home for one month, then back to Texas Children for ten days with StrepB bacteria. He and Amanda came home Sunday night. This time I think he's going to be fine. The first time he came home, I had a feeling something wasn't just right. I didn't think he would die, but something wasn't right. Needless to say our emotions were up and down for the past three months. We prayed and prayed. Prayer was got him through. At Texas Children, Doctor Adams was there the whole first month. It was God's timing. I'm still getting gifts from people to give to Amanda. The gift that stands out the most to me is a nice gift bag with packages of Pampers and Wet Wipes. Why does it stand out, it is from a lady in our church who lost a premie several years ago. Like the three Hebrew children we know God is able, but no matter we will not bow.
    CeCe let your emotions run their course. God knows what we try to hide. The people you offend, well they live in a different world. They don't understand. I offend my share too.
    We will pray and pray. This is a prayer circle challenge. God will respond and in the end you will be fine. Tighten your seatbelt it is going to be a crazy ride. We have a carrier who is going through her second battle with cancer. She's going to try and come back in August, not the best month to come back to carry mail, but she is one tough bird. Our prayers are with you CeCe, the circle is drawn.
    Your partner in crime,

  11. Danny-you are indeed my partner in crime:) Thank you for your words. I would be lost without my friends and family. Your words and all of my other supporters....well theirs are the only ones I am hearing because I am not hearing anything from doctors yet. So it fills in the horrible silence. It is actually physically painful not to know everything yet. Love, CeCe

  12. I have always thought a lot of you ...... but after reading your blog and you sharing so much of yourself ... my respect for you has grown. Your feelings are all normal healthy worthy feelings. I will think of you every day and pray that our wish is also God's wish. Love from the Isbell family.

  13. I love you to pieces and hate that you're having to go through this. I'm assaulting heaven with prayers on your behalf. Love and hugs! Karen

  14. I don't know whether I was too much in a grief state or life was just too much for me, but I don't remember some of these responses. Thank you for them. Every one of them. Love you.
