Friday, May 18, 2012


Prom is Saturday.  (Tanner's) I have to be normal.  Really normal.  But I don't feel normal.
Monday, I meet with the oncologist, Dr. Erin Fleener (sister is going with me because Joe is flying back at that point) in Bryan and then preregister with the Med that afternoon. Tuesday I will be at the Med putting a port in so they can administer chemo easier.  Joe will go with me to that.  I am guessing we will start chemo next week unless the oncologist changes the game plan when I meet on Monday.  Then nothing will be normal again. 


  1. CeCe just breathe. One day at a time. Let go of your control and let God and your family take care of you. I know you. You like control.... you are the one that has always been that responsible, take charge girl. There is a plan.... I am not sure what it is but I know that you will be okay and God is there to lead you through this. With all my heart and soul, I believe that you will be fine.... better then fine. I love you my friend.

  2. CeCe,

    One step at a time. Read a quote from Winston Churchill and thought of you "When you're going through hell, keep going." You will get through this. You will not bow, maybe bend a little, but you will be fine. Our 4th grade Sunday school class will be praying for you tomorrow. They prayed for Mason too.
